The video above is the Annual General meeting that was hosted on November 21st, 2021. It is a high-level overview of the various initiatives and programs that are being supported by H4C throughout the past fiscal year.
COVID has had a large impact on how these programs and initiatives are running, and the accessibility to them. It is important to note the impact of COVID, and the many challenges that our partners have had to effectively run some of these programs. The partners alongside H4C have had to adapt to the continuously changing COVID situation throughout Sri Lanka. These challenges and the current situation are discussed in the Annual General Meeting.
Some of the Initiatives that are highlighted in the below video include:
- The development of new Drop-In Centers focused for youth.
- The partnership with the FourSquare Church sponsoring underprivileged youth, as well as assisting families and encouraging families to continue sending their children and youth to school to pursue higher educational opportunities.
- The BETS program that is currently focusing in the Eastern part of Sri Lanka – which provides online English education. The BETS program works with a centralized English curriculum and there is also an initiative to provide technology to participants through this program.
- The PEN-Drive Initiative which has been delivered and impacted many students.
- The launch of the Post Secondary Scholarship Program, aiming to provide scholarships to dozens of students through our on-the-ground partners. The scholarship program looks to assist students pursuing higher education through academic or vocational opportunities.
- The YGRO North and East Education Centres that have been funded by H4C.
- The new center in Pallai Sri Lanka.
A financial update is also provided and can be seen at 9:45 in the video – a walkthrough is provided which details the past fiscal year, going over the donations received and expenditures. A breakdown is provided for the various areas of impact – Holistic Care, Education, Special Projects, Counseling and Administration.
The above summary is just a snapshot of what was discussed during the Annual General meeting. Please take some time to watch the exciting initiatives underway as well as the hopes for the coming year to further expand the programs to assist the underprivileged children and youth of Sri Lanka. We appreciate all the support and prayers that have been given for H4C and the many projects and programs that have been rolled out.
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